Soham Joshi

Soham is an undergraduate student who loves mathematics. One of his favorite pastimes is reading fancy mathematical concepts online (although he understands less than half of it in the first go :p). Maths contributes as part of his motivation to work on the TDA-UMAP Project which is based on Topological Mathematics and clustering algorithms.

Thanks to his electronics background he is a big fan of the Fourier transform. He is also currently exploring this domain in a project for Dyslexia Detection.

Apart from studies and work, he is a huge F1 and football enthusiast. He has been a speed skater once and now enjoys most outdoor sports along with a special liking of trekking. He loves nearly all kinds of music from pop, rock-punk to straight up metal. Fun fact: He is also a part of the trio that made the first version of this website in 2020.

There would be more in here but there is not enough space in the margin. So you can find him on LinkedIn or Github :)